Dr Hans Heinrich Reckeweg | Bhomf

Dr Hans Heinrich Reckeweg

The Nineteenth Century classical Homoeopathy teachings of Dr Samuel Christian Frederick Hahnemann (1755-1843), is followed by a medical model of Dr Hans Heinrich Reckeweg (1905-1985) who had established the principles of the anti homotoxic prescription. A contemporary generation of medical practitioners have further built up on these homoeopathic traditions, by adding scientific theories based on rebalancing psycho-neuro-immuno-endocrine axis. Dr Reckeweg is Homeopath and Medical Doctor who has established Homotoxicology as a bridge between widening gap of allopathic and homeopathic principles at the beginning of 20th century. It has been growing steadily as a valid scientific alternative to pharmacological approach. Homotoxicological remedies are based on Homeopathic dilutions and repertoarisation of his predecessors Hahnemann, Boericke, Kent and others.